Soressa Gardner (SelfDeconstructy Music) is a vocalist, laptop composer/improvisor, and sometimes songwriter.
More music at
Soressa’s keen sense of mood, colour, humour and gravitas are expressed through extended vocals enhanced by electronic manipulations and sound-worlds carefully crafted from a variety of audio processing techniques. She performs regularly with VEE (Vancouver Electronic Ensemble) and resides in Victoria, BC.

July 5, 2021 – New Release on Bandcamp: Threshold by PRS.
Between February and April of 2019, artists prOphecy sun, Ross Birdwise and Soressa Gardner met in an east Vancouver basement under the guise of making a series of live recordings. What emerged is a testament to their collective curiosity, passion and deep commitment to listening through realms inside and outside of their bodies. Threshold celebrates sonic transcendence, light and darker spaces; improvised melodic textures, ambient, free flowing, unpredictable rhythms and non linear patterns.
Friday April 30, 2021 – New Release from Hotham Sound Recordings: The Same River Twice (compilation of 50 artists). I am grateful to be one of the contributing artists along with many I admire. Available as of today, 2021 on Hotham Sound’s Bandcamp Page.
All proceeds go to the the US National Bailout Collective.
Credits and running order are provided with purchase (in the album artwork) and also available (free) when you listen right from the source: Hotham Sound The Same River Twice.
Soressa one minute contribution:

Sunday August 2, 2020 – 7pm PST: Frame Drag Trio (Ross Birdwise, Soressa Gardner & Joe Rzemieniak) perform on-line for Sonic Jazz, part of Victoria’s Wonderment Festival. Join the Facebook event here. Details will also be posted to our new Facebook band page.
June 17, 2020 – Vigilance Magazine has just released my latest work Not the Only Killer (No Es el Único Asesino), a sound composition that visits the relationship between Covid-19 containment measures and the worldwide rise in domestic violence. I invite you to read the article and listen here. (Spanish translation is available here.)
Also, my latest composition for Vancouver New Music‘s One-Page Score Project is now available for listening on Vimeo and YouTube.